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Antony and Cleopatra

Lonto Wikilumadu
Eternity was in our lips and eyes.

Antony and Cleopatra yito tragedi sojara ilomata le William Shakespeare ciletakiliyo, bungaliyo cileteki to taawunu 1623. Oda'aliyo taa ahali palasaya utiye tiluladiyo to taawunu 1606-1607.

  • Nay, but this dotage of our general's
    O'erflows the measure.
  • De'e, dabo utiye ilopanitaliyo lo jenderal olanto
    Mopotolohu tu'udiyo
    • Philo, scene i

  • There's beggary in the love that can be reckon'd.
  • Woluwo u misikini to delomo tohilawo u mowali rekeniyolo.

  • In nature's infinite book of secrecy
    A little I can read.
  • To delomo buku rahasiya lo alamu u diila ohinggadiyo
    Bo ngo'idi u mowali pobaca'u.
    • Soothsayer, scene ii

  • He was dispos'd to mirth; but on the sudden
    A Roman thought hath struck him.
  • Tiyo yilengahu, dabo ngo'inta lomato
    Ngobungo pomikilangi lo Romawi yilumehita to wuto'iyo.
    • Cleopatra, scene ii

  • This grief is crowned with consolation.
  • Wolola botiya depuheliyo lo makuta pomaluto.

  • Eternity was in our lips and eyes.
  • Keabadian woluwo to biihu wawu to mato lami.
    • Cleopatra, scene iii

  • From Alexandria
This is the news: he fishes, drinks, and wastes
The lamps of night in revel; is not more man-like
Than Cleopatra; nor the queen of Ptolemy
More womanly than he.
  • Lonto Alexandria
Botiya habariliyo: tiyo loheluto, mongilu, wawu mopomahulo puputo
Tilango tohe huyi maa hiwengahe, diila mohumayawa wolo manusia
Lonto oli Cleopatra; meyambo mbu'i Ptolemeus
Lebe molumboyoto popotadengola woliyo
  • Octavius Caesar, scene iv

  • Antony, leave thy lascivious wassails.
  • Antony, tolayi ma'o hilaamu u huloto.
    • Octavius Caesar, scene iv

  • Give me to drink mandragora.
  • Peeluma mayi wa'u lo mandragora.
    • Cleopatra, scene v

  • Where’s my serpent of old Nile?
    For so he calls me.
  • To utoonu tulidu panggola lo Nil ula'u?
    Sababu uwitolo tiyo hemohibode ola'u.
    • Cleopatra, speaking of Antony, scene v

  • I was
    A morsel for a monarch.
  • Wa'u omo'omolu
    Ngoputu mowali olongiya.
    • Cleopatra, scene v

  • My salad days,
    When I was green in judgment, cold in blood,
    To say as I said then!
  • Dulahu salad ula'u,
    To'u wa'u buboto to delomo buto'o, duhu mohuhulo,
    Molo'iya odelo u yilo'iya'u to'u boyito!
    • Cleopatra, scene v
Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale
Her infinite variety; other women cloy
The appetites they feed; but she makes hungry
Where most she satisfies...
  • Epicurean cooks
    Sharpen with cloyless sauce his appetite.
  • Taa motubuwa Epicurean
    Po'odatawa wolo sawusu cloyless napusu pongongaliyo.
    • Pompey, scene i


[boli'a | boli'a bungo]
  • Who does i’ the wars more than his captain can,
    Becomes his captain’s captain; and ambition,
    The soldier’s virtue, rather makes choice of loss,
    Than gain which darkens him.
  • Tita taa hebati to popateya limbata lo kaputengiliyo
    Mowali kaputengi lo kaputengi; wawu ambisi
    Bijaksana lo prajurit, lebe molulawoto u ta'aluku
    Daripada mo'ohama wawu mo'olanggamu.
    • Ventidius, scene i
  • He calls me boy; and chides, as he had power
    To beat me out of Egypt; my messenger
    He hath whipp'd with rods; dares me to personal combat,
    Caesar to Antony: let the old ruffian know
    I have many other ways to die; meantime
    Laugh at his challenge.
  • Ilibodeliyo taa kiki'o wa'u, wawu lohimelu, sababu tiyo mo'orasa molotolo
    Mopota'aluku ola'u alihu lumuwalo monto Mesir; utusanku
    Tiyo maa bilubohu lo tunggudu; mohile mobaliya wola'u tutuwawu
    Caesar odele Antony: poleleya ma'o ode bajingan panggola boyito
    Ngohutuwa dalalo'u u mate, sementara itu
    Po'i'ipo lo tantanganliyo.
    • Octavius Caesar, scene i