Algorithms from The Art of Computer Programming in Limbo programming language. Exact cover with colors. N-queens. Backtracking.
Control the platform power state of your Apple Silicon Mac.
A Chrome DevTools Protocol driver for web automation and scraping.
rc shell -- independent re-implementation for Unix of the Plan 9 shell (from circa 1992)
Pretty diff to html javascript library (diff2html)
a structural diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
Gonum is a set of numeric libraries for the Go programming language. It contains libraries for matrices, statistics, optimization, and more
Go login handlers for authentication providers (OAuth1, OAuth2)
Fork of inferno by 9front with additions such as amd64 and arm64 support and further development by me. Arm64 doesn't have JIT. The 64bit dis files are not compatible with 32bit dis. See the amd64 …
Inferno® is a distributed operating system. Inferno represents services and resources in a file-like name hierarchy, including devices, network and protocol interfaces, dynamic data sources, and se…
RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python. It is a C++ library.
Language Server Protocol tools for the acme text editor
A POSIX-compliant AWK interpreter written in Go, with CSV support
psilva261 / go-arm64.plan9
Forked from golang/goGo port to plan9/arm64