The implement is totally from
I warp c++ code to a python. Suppose I am in a conda environment.
install pybind11, gsl, pkg-config, boost
conda install pybind11 conda install pkg-config conda install libboost conda install gsl
compile ANN
Then run the command
cd ann_1.1.2 make linux-g++
compile the project
cd .. vim Makefile
Modify the first line in
in line 1 to your conda prefix path. and runmake
then it should generate
import warp_gicp
T = warp_gicp.gicp(source, target, max_distance, gicp_epsilon)
source: np.ndarray (N1,3)
source point cloud
target: np.ndarray (N2,4)
target point cloud
max_distance: float, default = 1.0
filter corresponding pairs over max_distance
gicp_epsilon: float, default = 1e-3
epsilon constant for gicp paper; this is NOT the convergence tolerence
T: np.ndarray (4, 4)
T @ source_homo = target_homo, *_homo is homogeneous coordinates with shape (4, N)
There are many optional parameters in gicp.cpp, like max_iteration, epsilon , but I just use it's default setting.
You can run python
to check if it's nicely compiled.