- 😄 Name: Yang YiLe
- 🔭 Born in: 1990
- 🌱 Gender: Male
- 👯 Education: Xidian (XDU) (2010-2014)
- 💼 Work Experience: Huawei, ThoughtWorks, BX, PangQiu&PangDa&HuiOne.
- 🤔 Main Language: Go
- 💬 Passionate about software development.
- 📫 Contributing to open-source in my spare time.
- 🌟 Starring my projects would greatly encourage me!
- ⚡ Thank you for your support!
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Here are some of my key projects:
Project Name | Description |
gobtcsign | 简单的Go语言版本比特币创建钱包和签名逻辑 |
gotrontrx | 简单的Go语言版本波场创建钱包/获得测试币/发出交易的逻辑 |
syncmap | SyncMap is a type-safe and generic wrapper around Go's sync.Map |
gormcngen | gormcngen help gen enum code with gormcnm. 因为gormcnm能够以枚举定义字段名和字段类型,这个工具gormcngen就是自动帮你生成枚举代码的。 |
reggin | reggin means register gin routes. 非常简单的gin路由注册器。 |
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