Creates custom fake progress bars
Ever wanted to slack off at work or school for a bit and blame it on your computer? Well now you can! This tool was originally made as a Windows alternative for FakeProgressBars for the Mac. It allows users to create and customize loading bar windows.- Tooltips: Hover the mouse above "Caption", "Progress", or "Icon" for specific information about their features.
- Caption: The title in the progress bar window. .
- Caption Menu: Select common progress bar titles.
- Caption Custom: Create own caption ex. (Excel - Loading . . .)
- Progress: Control the progress bar functions.
- Progress Timer: Starts halfway, then loads based on selected time.
- Progress Percentage: Loads bar to selected percent, then stops.
- Icon: Spoofs progress bar icon.
- Icon Browse: Select any file, and it's icon will be cloned - Cloned icon will be used as the spoof icon.
- Icon Preview: Selected icon will be displayed.
- Create Progress Bar: Creates progress bar based on the information above..