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The heavily edited and improved version of the Dynamically Simple Model for Atmospheric Chemical Complexity (DSMACC), as used in the Thesis:

Understanding the Atmosphere using graph theory, visualisation and machine learning

by Daniel Ellis.


If using any of the code from this repository, please cite the codebase as follows:

Additionally the original work for the DSMACC model was accomplished by Emmerson and Evans, which should also be cited:

Emmerson, KM; Evans, MJ (2009) Comparison of tropospheric gas-phase chemistry schemes for use within global models, ATMOS CHEM PHYS, 9(5), pp1831-1845 doi: 10.5194/acp-9-1831-2009 .


To install we may use conda coupled with the (Yet Another Markup Language) file.

-- This will soon be changed into a setup.py file --

export MPICC=\`which mpicc\` &&
export CC=mpicc &&
conda-env create -f py3.yaml

And to use this, we run (or add within our .bashrc): source activate dsmacc-env


To test run make test or pytest dsmacc/test/.

Check Version, Species or Equations

To check the version, species or equations in a model you can run ./model 0 0 with the parameters --species, --equations or --version - see example below.

./model 0 0 --species
 NA             SA             SO3            O1D            CL             
 CH4            H2O2           HSO3           H2             N2O5           
 CH3O2NO2       HONO           CH3OH          CO             SO2            
 HO2NO2         CH3O           CH3OOH         CH3NO3         HNO3           
 HCHO           CH3O2          HO2            O3             OH             
 NO3            O              NO             NO2            EMISS          
 R              DUMMY     


There are two methods of spinning up a model- these are with or without constraint to observations. To activate this the python -run library must be run with the spinup flag. NOTE: using a negative time no longer does anything

Without observations

python -m dsmacc.run -s -c -r (spinup, create_new, run)

This runs an iterative reset of the diurnal cycle until the avarage difference between sum(old-new)/new concentrations for each species is less than 1e-3. NOTE - this can potentially lead to an infinitely long simulation if the model does not converge on a steady state simulation.

On each restart, the concentrations from the initial conditions file are reset.

With observations

Set up the observations file as before. python -m dsmacc.run -s -o -c -r (spinup, observations, create_new, run)

Model debugging

f90 model output is presented in the temp.txt file. This should be your first point of call for problems with no visible output.

It is then important to check that an initial conditions file Init_cons.dat has been created, and that the model has been compiled. Try ./model 0 0 --version and ./model 0 0 to run the first set of initial conditions.

Compiler Notes

The intel compiler is preferable, although the makefile has been rewritten to fall back to gfortran should this not be available. In the rare case where ifort is installed, but not functional, you may have to either comment #intel := $(shell command -v ifort 2> /dev/null) within the Makefile (which disables the switch) or uninstall it for gfortran to be used.


dsmacc python library

  • python 3 hassle
  • test scripts
  • used to run parallel instances
  • create constraints to observations
  • preparse kpp mechanisms
  • diagnostics and read tools

reformat kppfiles

  • make kpp or -python -m dsmacc.parsekpp.reformat.py (then use the ncurses interface - arrow keys, space and enter)

Create a new run - and execute

-python -m dsmacc.run -r -c (run, create)

Run last modified intial conditions file (useful for testing)

-python -m dsmacc.run -r -c -l (run, create, last)

Spinup until steady state

  • set spinup time in ics
  • python -m dsmacc.run -r -c -s

Observation constrains

  • create the required files in format....
  • python -m dsmacc.observations.constrain <csvfilenamewithdata>
  • python -m dsmacc.run -r -c -o

Convert a run to initial conditions

  • useful in taking the last observation spun up concentration and using it to initiate a run until steady state
  • python -m dsmacc.observations.run2ics <file.h5> <timestep index (int)> -r (-r removes spun up data)

Try the wiki - also in progress but contains some debug tips.

TUV repository updated with thanks to @pb866

Setting up files

  1. Download organic mechanism from mcm.york.ac.uk.
  2. Place file in mechanisms folder (and optionally add a version name: VERS='TroposphericChemistry'
  3. Reformat this to keep KPP happy. Use make reformat or python -m dsmacc.parsekpp.reformat for a quick format with additional deposition rates of 1/day.
  4. run make kpp
  5. run make to compile.

Running a model

  1. Set up the initial conditions csv file
  2. To quickrun the model type make run or python -m dsmacc.run -c -r



To install we may use the (Yet Another Markup Language) file.

export MPICC=\`which mpicc\` &&
export CC=mpicc &&
conda-env create -f meta.yaml

And to use this, we run (or add within our .bashrc):

source activate dsmacc-env

Parallel Libraries

If parallel installs fail, remove the conda installs, then follow the instructions below.


First we make sure the correct modules are loaded: module load intel-mpi/intel/....

Set the loaded version of MPI to be used with mpi4py export MPICC=\which mpicc``

Then run pip install mpi4py

Parallel h5py - not enabled as none of the york hpc clusters have been configured to do this

1 Build hdf5 library with the following flags (note many clusters dont seem to do this for some reason) $./configure --enable-parallel --enable-shared Note that --enable-shared is required.

$ h5cc -showconfig
$ export CC=mpicc
$ python setup.py configure --mpi [--hdf5=/path/to/parallel/hdf5]
$ python setup.py build

Notes :

  • Cannot constrain to 0 due to spinup conditions, either use giant sink or FIX species [util.inc]

If mpirun failes with [] then run has failed.

Updates to run procedures

Compile and prep as before, these changes only affect the running. Filenames may have to be manually changed for the time being, .... sorry.

To create ics: python run.py -c

This makes a hdf5 file containing all your information.

To run: python run.py -s

If the env variable NCPUS is set, it uses this for an mpi run of the model, else a serial run is set. On earth, each queue automatically sets the NCPUS environment variable.

To read: in ipython run zhdf; a = new('yourfilename.hdf'); a.specs / rates / flux

Custom mydepos definition file in src - change depos without having to run kpp, just make

Install and run kpp as before! Run / read model using above

New user

Run make new to clean everything, update latest TUV, and download KPP. In order to initialise all submodules correctly, you need to have a clean repository.

Updating the submodule (TUV and KPP)

This needs to be done to include contents here. Can be accomplished through git submodule init; git submodule update or typing make update_submodule


Type make man to see a description of available functions.