_A program that simulates behavior of Mac ls
Developed as study assignment in the Ucode school.
ls is a Unix shell command that lists directory contents of files and directories.
1. git clone https://github.com/vorobeyka/Unix_LS.git
2. make
3. ./uls [-ACFGORSTUacefghiklmnoprstux1@] [file ...]
Builtin | Description |
ls -a | List all files including hidden file starting with '.' |
ls -i | For each file, print the file's file serial number |
ls -l | List with long format - show permissions |
ls -la | List long format including hidden files |
ls -lh | List long format with readable file size |
ls -ls | List with long format with file size |
ls -r | List in reverse order |
ls -R | Recursively list subdirectories encountered |
ls -s | List file size |
ls -S | Sort by file size |
ls -t | Sort by time & date |
ls -C | Force multi-column output; this is the default when output is to a terminal |