A selenium webscraper for automated download of the Hi-GAL DR1 data products.
- Python 3.x
- Firefox with
- Some manual interaction with Firefox is still required
- Default download directory has to hacked around
To clone and install gethigal
git clone https://github.com/vlas-sokolov/gethigal.git
cd gethigal
pip install .
The following code snippet downloads the Hi-GAL maps in a 15 arcminute radius around the IRDC G035.39-00.33:
import os
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.coordinates as c
from gethigal.requestform import RequestForm
home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
radius = 15*u.arcmin
skycoord_g035_39 = c.SkyCoord(284.2875*u.deg, 2.1294*u.deg, frame = 'fk5')
# Opens a Firefox session with "save file" pop-ups
getter = RequestForm(skycoord_g035_39, radius, submit = True)
# After the files are saved, moves them to a designated directory
getter.fix_download_loc(os.path.join(home_dir, 'Downloads/'), 'data/',
globber = "HIGAL*354*.fits", lay_low = True)
# Quits the browser session