Each worker node needs to install a container with NVIDIA GPU drivers and expose the GPU as a resource to the Kubernetes cluster. This setup is done with a daemonset consists of two containers:
- nvidia-driver-installer
- nvidia-gpu-dev-plugin
The nvidia-driver-installer container for FCOS is built from this repo. It installs the nvidia driver in the container with the official nvidia installer, including kmods and libs. Some pieces are omitted, including 32bit compatibility libraries and the drm kmod (graphics). It then copies over the installation to a 2nd stage (no kmod build deps). When this is run on a minion, it will load the nvidia kmods, make the nvidia device files and copy the driver bins and libs to a place on the host that the k8s device plugin knows.
The NVIDIA driver deployer leverages node-feature-discovery (NFD) to detect the GPU nodes for the GPU driver container to rollout.
You need to disable selinux on worker nodes with GPU by using the following lable during worker group creation: selinux_mode=disabled
Deploy NFD:
kubectl apply -f daemonsets/node-feature-discovery.yaml
Deploy GPU driver:
kubectl apply -f daemonsets/nvidia-gpu-driver.yaml
Run a test pod:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/virtuozzo/nvidia-driver-installer/main/tests/gpupod.yaml
Check the logs:
kubectl logs gpu-pod
[Vector addition of 50000 elements]
Copy input data from the host memory to the CUDA device
CUDA kernel launch with 196 blocks of 256 threads
Copy output data from the CUDA device to the host memory
Plugin is installed correctly.
To test the usability of GPUs after deploying both DaemonSets, there is a
CUDA sample set with several cases.
Check the test
subdirectory for more details.
Clone this repo to your own machine:
git clone https://github.com/virtuozzo/nvidia-driver-installer.git
Open the Makefile and edit the following variables:
CONTAINER_TAG ?= <your_dockerhub_account>/nvidia-driver-installer:$(FEDORA_VERSION)-$(KERNEL_VERSION)-$(NVIDIA_DRIVER_VERSION)
Build a docker image:
make build
Push the image to DockerHub:
make push
Update the daemonsets/nvidia-gpu-driver.yaml daemonset. Find the following image name:
- image: "virtuozzo/nvidia-driver-installer:39-6.5.11-300.fc39.x86_64-550.54.15"
and update it:
- image: "<your_dockerhub_account>/nvidia-driver-installer:39-6.5.11-300.fc39.x86_64-<driver_version>"