I hope you will find projects that interest you!
My name is Valentin Goldité and I am a french Deep Learning engineer passionate by deep learning and specialized in the field of computer vision (2D and 3D). I am interested on all the different aspects of deep learning, in every domains and both in the mathematical theory and the practical applications.
My curriculum:
Student at CentraleSupélec 👨🎓: top 3 french Engineer School (Deep Learning lessons and many more) - 3 years
Maths Vision Apprentissage (MVA) master at Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Saclay 👨🎓: one of the most renowned masters in europe for machine learning - 1 year
Deep Learning engineer at Sysnav Navigation 🧭: time series prediction in real time in embedded device - 6 months
Deep Learning engineer at Reactive Reality 👨: 3D reconstruction of full head from selfie with PIFu algorithm - 6 months
Deep Learning engineer at IFP Energies Nouvelles 🪨: Underground facies modeling with conditional self-attention GAN - 6 months
Computer Vision research engineer at ONERA The French Aerospace Lab
✈️ : Fundamental research on multi-modal few shot object detection. Military applications as part of the KOIOS European project - now
I also did a lot of trainings for CentraleSupelec's AI organization Automatant about both theory and practical application. Some of these trainings are available (in french) in the Automatant website.
Python's PEP20 introduces the Zen of Python. I also developed my own mantra 🙏 for ML project:
Linux is far better than Windows for coding purposes.
VSCode is more flexible than Pycharm. It exists other code editor?
Virtualenv and conda have their own advantages...
But Virtualenv plus VirtualenvWrapper are really more convenient than Conda.
Pytorch is better than Tensorflow.
When you can use Jax, you should really consider using it.
Haiku over Flax over all the other nn Jax libs.
Weights and Biases and ClearML are very cool. Tensorboard for sensitive cases only.
Use many linters in real time when coding to write properly.
Local and global tests help you to govern the world.
Github Copilot too.
Self and cross-attention mechanism are revolutionary ideas.
Always look for existing implementations instead of reinventing the wheel.
In return, contribute to open source to thank the community.