๐ Concordia Compiler Plug-in for CodeceptJS with Appium
Generates and executes test scripts for mobile or desktop applications. Uses CodeceptJS with Appium.
Note: If you want to test a web-based mobile or desktop application, you will have to install Java 8 or above, since Appium will need WebDriverIO, which requires Java.
Access your application's folder from the terminal/console.
Install it via Concordia or NPM:
a) Installation via Concordia:
concordia --plugin-install codeceptjs-appium
b) Installation via NPM:
npm i -D concordialang-codeceptjs-appium
- Appium Doctor, if you are testing a mobile application
Attempts to diagnose and fix common Node, iOS and Android configuration issues before starting Appium.
npm i -g appium-doctor
- Appium Desktop, if you are testing a desktop application. It has its own installer
Appium Server and Inspector in Desktop GUIs for Mac, Windows, and Linux
Unfortunately, the setup process for testing mobile or desktop applications with Appium requires some manual effort.
Appium provides automation for a particular platform through a driver. Every driver comes with its own setup requirements - usually the same ones for app development. For example, to automate the tests of an Android app, you will need to install Android SDK. Likewise, an iOS app will need iOS SDK.
Appium Drivers:
Install the appropriate driver to test your application.
- Android apps with UiAutomator2 Driver
- Android apps with Expresso Driver (beta)
- iOS apps or tvOS apps with XCUITest Driver
- Windows Desktop apps with Windows Driver
- Mac Desktop apps with Mac Driver
After installing it, you may want to set the Desired Capabilities.
Execute it with the Concordia Compiler. Example:
concordia --plugin codeceptjs-appium
CodeceptJS reads its configuration from codeceptjs.json
. This plug-in adds the "Appium"
to the property helpers
with a very basic configuration:
"helpers": {
"Appium": {
"platform": "Android",
"app": "http://localhost",
"device": "emulator"
Please see the Helper Configuration for details on how to configure it properly.