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A simple, easy to use PowerShell script to remove pre-installed apps from Windows, disable telemetry, remove Bing from Windows search as well as perform various other changes to declutter and impro…
Curated list of project-based tutorials
This is the homepage of a new book entitled "Mathematical Foundations of Reinforcement Learning."
JT/T808 protocol,JT808 protocol, GB808 protocol (support 2011, 2013, 2019 version) JT/T808协议、JT808协议、GB808协议(支持2011、2013、2019版本)
A guidance language for controlling large language models.
An open-source, lightweight note-taking solution. The pain-less way to create your meaningful notes. Your Notes, Your Way.
This repository contains sample applications illustrating how to use the IOWA SDK as well as the Evaluation IOWA SDK. The IOWA SDK is the most compact C implementation OMA LwM2M protocol.
Kuboard 是基于 Kubernetes 的微服务管理界面。同时提供 Kubernetes 免费中文教程,入门教程,最新版本的 Kubernetes v1.23.4 安装手册,(k8s install) 在线答疑,持续更新。
MNBVC(Massive Never-ending BT Vast Chinese corpus)超大规模中文语料集。对标chatGPT训练的40T数据。MNBVC数据集不但包括主流文化,也包括各个小众文化甚至火星文的数据。MNBVC数据集包括新闻、作文、小说、书籍、杂志、论文、台词、帖子、wiki、古诗、歌词、商品介绍、笑话、糗事、聊天记录等一切形式的纯文本中文数据。
Open-source Android/Desktop remake of Civ V
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software
📚 Freely available programming books
Natural Language Processing Tasks and References