Dialogue Natural Language Inference with bert classifier.
In this code we make use of dataset called Dialogue NLI.
you need to download the DataSet from the below link.
Then place the downloaded data inside data/dialogue_nli_extra
because of problem during compression process the training file need to be repair. run the below command in order to repair it.
❱❱❱ python data_repairer.py
install the requirements
❱❱❱ pip install -r requirements.txt
Now we are good to go !!
just run the below command
❱❱❱ python train.py --gpu --data_path data/dialogue_nli_extra/ --save_path save/ --lr 5e-5 --batch_size 32 --epochs 4 --plot_path save/plot/ --bert_model bert-base-cased