Codebase for Unsupervised Discrete Sentence Representation Learning for Interpretable Neural Dialog Generation, published as a long paper in ACL 2018. Reference information is in the end of this page. You can find my presentation slides here.
python 2.7
pytorch >= 0.3.0.post4
The data folder contains three datasets:
- PennTree Bank: sentence data
- Daily Dialog: human-human open domain chatting.
- Stanford Multi-domain Dialog: human-woz task-oriented dialogs.
The first two scripts are sentence models (DI-VAE/DI-VST) that learn discrete sentence representations from either auto-encoding or context-predicting.
The following command will train a DI-VAE on the PTB dataset. To run on different datasets, follows the pattern in PTB dataloader and corpus reader and implement your own data interface.
The following command will train a DI-VST on the Daily Dialog corpus.
The next two train a latent-action encoder decoder with either DI-VAE or DI-VST.
The following command will first train a DI-VAE on the Stanford multi domain dialog dataset, and then train a hierarchical encoder decoder (HRED) model with the latent code from the DI-VAE.
The following command will first train a DI-VST on the Stanford multi domain dialog dataset, and then train a hierarchical encoder decoder (HRED) model with the latent code from the DI-VST.
Generally all the parameters are defined at the top of each script. You can either passed a different value in the command line or change the default value of each parameters. Some key parameters are explained below:
- y_size: the number of discrete latent variable
- k: the number of classes for each discrete latent variable
- use_reg_kl: whether or not use KL regulization on the latetn space. If False, the model becomes normal autoencoder or skip thought.
- use_mutual: whether or not use Batch Prior Regulization (BPR) proposed in our work or the standard ELBO setup.
Extra essential parameters for LA-ED or ST-ED:
- use_attribute: whether or not use the attribute forcing loss in Eq 10.
- freeze_step: the number of batch we train DI-VAE/VST before we freeze latent action and training encoder-decoders.
All trained models and log files are saved to the log folder. To run a existing model, you can:
- Set the forward_only argument to be True
- Set the load_sess argument to te the path to the model folder in log
- Run the script
If you use any source codes or datasets included in this toolkit in your work, please cite the following paper. The bibtex are listed below:
title={Unsupervised Discrete Sentence Representation Learning for Interpretable Neural Dialog Generation},
author={Zhao, Tiancheng and Lee, Kyusong and Eskenazi, Maxine},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.08069},