This project provides an end-to-end automation solution using Ansible for deploying a high available MinIO object storage system in active-active replication mode. The setup involves configuring two MinIO instances using Docker Compose and use nginx for load balancer.
- Ansible Playbooks: Automate the deployment and configuration of MinIO nodes.
- Docker Compose: Used for container platform, ensuring MinIO instances run in isolated environments.
- nginx: Used for load balancer.
- Bash Script ( A custom script that configures the active-active replication between the two buckets in two MinIO instances, ensuring data synchronization across both sites.
- Ansible: Ensure Ansible is installed on your system.
- SSH: You have to ssh access to your servers.
To begin, clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone
cd AutoMinIO
You have to set server IPs in this file.
cat inventory/inventory.ini
minio1 ansible_host=
minio2 ansible_host=
nginx-server ansible_host=
cat inventory/group_vars/all/minio.yml
MINIO_CONSOLE_DOMAIN: # minio console domain
MINIO_DOMAIN: # minio api domain
MINIO_BUCKETS: ("backup" "data" "database") # bucket names you want to created.
ROOT_USER: "siavash"
EMAIL_ADDRESS: "" # for get notification from let's encrypt
ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini playbooks/minio.yml
DNS Records should point to the load balancer server (nginx server).
This ansible playbook is for config your load balancer server.
ansible-playbook -i inventory/inventory.ini playbooks/nginx.yml
After completing all the steps, you will see the MinIO console with your domain for example
You can test Minio service with upload fake data to one bucket in Minio.
- Ensure Python is installed on your system.
- Ensure mc (minio client) is installed on your system.
# install faker package for generate fake data.
pip install Faker
# Modify variables in
MINIO_ENDPOINT = "" # Change to your MinIO server endpoint
ACCESS_KEY = "siavash" # Replace with your MinIO access key
SECRET_KEY = "4YJ97rJviWDPJ2mTEGxsXT4e4kHRmh" # Replace with your MinIO secret key
BUCKET_NAME = "backup" # Replace with your MinIO bucket name
NUM_FILES = 10 # Number of fake files to generate
# Run python script for generate fake data and upload to minio.