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Smoothly animated code blocks with Shiki. Online Demo.


This is a rather low-level library, you usually want to use it with a high-level integrations like Slidev.

The package provides framework-agnostic core and renderer and framework wrappers for Vue and React.

Each of the framework wrappers provides the following components:

  • ShikiMagicMove - the main component to wrap the code block
  • ShikiMagicMovePrecompiled - animations for compiled tokens, without the dependency on Shiki
  • ShikiMagicMoveRenderer - the low-level renderer component


ShikiMagicMove requires you to provide a Shiki highlighter instance. For example, in Vue:

<script setup>
import { ShikiMagicMove } from 'shiki-magic-move/vue'
import { getHighlighter } from 'shiki'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const highlighter = await getHighlighter({
  theme: 'nord',
  langs: ['javascript', 'typescript'],

const code = ref(`const hello = 'world'`)

function animate() {
  code.value = `let hi = 'hello'`

  <ShikiMagicMove :highlighter="highlighter" lang="ts" :code="code" />
  <button @click="animate">

Whenever the code changes, the component will animate the changes.


ShikiMagicMovePrecompiled is a lighter version of ShikiMagicMove that doesn't require Shiki. It's useful when you want to animate the compiled tokens directly. For example, in Vue:

<script setup>
import { ShikiMagicMovePrecompiled } from 'shiki-magic-move/vue'
import { ref } from 'vue'

const step = ref(1)
const compiledSteps = [/* Compiled token steps */]

  <button @click="step++">

To get the compiled tokens, you can run this somewhere else and serialize them into the component:

import { codeToKeyedTokens, createMagicMoveMachine } from 'shiki-magic-move/core'
import { getHighlighter } from 'shiki'

const shiki = await getHighlighter({
  theme: 'nord',
  langs: ['javascript', 'typescript'],

const codeSteps = [
  `const hello = 'world'`,
  `let hi = 'hello'`,

const machine = createMagicMoveMachine(
  code => codeToKeyedTokens(shiki, code, {
    lang: 'ts',
    theme: 'nord',
    // options

const compiledSteps = codeSteps.map(code => machine.commit(code).current)

// Pass `compiledSteps` to the precompiled component
// If you do this on server-side or build-time, you can serialize `compiledSteps` into JSON

How it works

Check this blog post.



MIT License © 2023-PRESENT Anthony Fu