A Cordova plugin to access and configure TouchBar on compatible MacBook Pro models from JavaScript. In its current state this plugin may not useful at all and only serves as a traininground for me to learn Objective-c and Cordova plugin development.
type: "NSButton",
image: TouchBarPlugin.identifiers.images.NSImageNameTouchBarBookmarksTemplate,
title: 'Title',
identifier: 'Button1'
}, {
type: "NSSlider",
title: "",
identifier: 'Slider',
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100,
.then(() => {
TouchBar.setDefaultItemIdentifiers(['Button1', 'Slider', TouchBarPlugin.identifiers.elements.otherItemsProxy]);
TouchBar.on('Button1', 'tap', () => {
TouchBar.on('Slider', 'change', function (newValue) {