A React web application demonstrating the cxroots Python library, using Pyodide to run Python in the browser.
Install nvm to manage node versions. Then install the required node version with:
nvm install
nvm use
Enable yarn with
corepack enable
and then install the packages needed to build the application
yarn install --immutable
You can then start a local server with
yarn start
- Install pre-commit and then run
pre-commit install
. The pre-commit scripts can also be run manually withpre-commit run --all-files
- The project uses prettier to maintain consistent formatting. It is run as part of the pre-commit hook and is recommended to be run on save in the developer's editor.
Tests are run with Jest and are invoked with
yarn test
Tests are run in CI and a coverage report is uploaded to Coveralls
Used https://github.com/xhlulu/react-pyodide-template as an original JS template