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Riot tags animations hooks via anime.

This script supports all the browsers supported by Riot.js.

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Via npm

$ npm i riot-animore -S

Script import

Via <script>

<script src="path/to/riot.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/riot-animore.js"></script>

Via ES2015 modules

import riot from 'riot'
import 'riot-animore'

Via commonjs

const riot = require('riot')


Riot animore is simply a riot tag that will enable DOM animations on the following events mount, unmount and update. Any animore tag can have instructions to handle the animations on any of the desired riot events listed above. The animation options must be valid anime params.


For example:

  <p data-is="animore" mount={{ duration: 1000, translateX: [500, 0] }}>
    Hello there


The <p> tag will be animated from a position of transform: translateX(500px) to transform: translateX(0) in 1000 milliseconds during the mount event. This animation will happend only once when mounted.

The animore tags can trigger the mount animation when used together with a riot if condition. For example:

  <p if={ isVisible } data-is="animore" mount={{ duration: 1000, translateX: [500, 0] }}>
    Hello there

  <button onclick={ toggle }>toggle</button>

    this.isVisible = true
    toggle() {
      this.isVisible = !this.isVisible


The mount animation will be triggered whenever the if condition will change from false to true.


As for the mount the unmount animations will be triggered when an animore node will be unmounted. For example:

  <p if={ isVisible }
    unmount={{ duration: 1000, translateX: 300 }}>
    Hello there

  <button onclick={ toggle }>toggle</button>

    this.isVisible = true
    toggle() {
      this.isVisible = !this.isVisible


The above example will translate the <p> tag of 300px in 1000 milliseconds before removing it from the DOM.


Animore makes the update transitions a lot easier thanks to the flip approach. Animore will check the state of your tags before and after an update event trying to create a smooth animation between the two. For example:

    <p if={ moreText }>{moreText}</p>
  <article data-is="animore" update={{ duration: 500, easing: 'linear' }}>
    <p>Hello there</p>

  <button onclick={ addMoreText }>more text</button>

    addMoreText() {
      this.moreText = 'I am more text'


In this case animore will update the <article> tag creating a smooth transition when more text will be added to it.

List Items

Animore works also in riot each directives as long as you will not use the no-reorder attibute. For example:

      each={ item, i in items }
        duration: 300,
        easing: 'linear'
        duration: 200,
        translateX: 100,
        offset: i * 100
    Hello there



You can use all the animation callbacks provided by anime

  <p data-is="animore" mount={{
    duration: 1000,
    translateX: [500, 0],
    complete: done
    Hello there

    done() {
      console.log('i was mounted')
