Storage for the projects related to 42 Málaga
The projects are written mainly in C.
Project | Description | Score |
libft | Creation of a static library reimplementing useful functions from libc and more | 125/100 |
ft_printf | Simple reimplementation of printf | 100/100 |
get_next_line | Read the content from a file descriptor line by line | 125/100 |
born2beroot | Set up a Debian environment through commands | 110/100 |
pipex | Implementation of the functionality of the Unix pipes | 100/100 |
push_swap | Implementation of an algorithm that sorts a list of numbers using 2 stacks | 125/100 |
so_long | 2D game where a player has to gather collectibles to exit | 125/100 |
Philosophers | Concurrency problem where philosophers have to eat, sleep and think without dying | 100/100 |
Minishell | A simple shell, with builtins, the ability to execute commands and use redirections | 100/100 |
NetPractice | Solving networking problems to make a network run | 100/100 |
You can check out my progress in my Intra profile.