I'm a Software Architect aka Code Developer
@ BRQ. I used to write about .NET and Microsoft technologies on https://rmauro.dev
💬 My Latest Blogs
I write blogs occasionally, and publish them everywhere
- Load .Env file into IConfiguration Provider
- Reading .env Files in C#
- Reading appsettings.json from a Console Application - 2024-07
- HTTP Status Codes Explained: From 200 OK to 429 Too Many Requests
- Gather Oracle Stats for Schema, Table and Indexes - 2024-06
- Oracle ODP.NET with truly Async Methods in C# - 2023-08
- Oracle PIVOT Command - Turn Rows into Columns 2023-08
- C# Get JWT Token from Request 2023-05
- Oracle JSON_TABLE: Transforming JSON into Relational Format 2023-05
- Oracle MERGE Statement SQL 2023-05
- JWT Authentication with C# .NET 2023-04
- Generating Images from Text with C# and Open AI DALL-E
- Getting Started with Chat GPT and C#
- Calculate Time Ago with .NET C#
- Hardening your Linux Server exposed on the internet
- Create a Minimal API with .NET 6
- Set up Serilog in .NET 6 as logging provider
- Optimizing Query Performance on C# ODP.NET - Oracle Managed Data Access
- Adding Startup.cs back to .NET 6 Project
- Oracle Database on Docker for Development
- Health Checks on your ASP.NET Core Application
📫 How to reach me:
const contacts = {
"twitter": "https://twitter.com/RicardoDeMauro",
"github": "https://github.com/ricardodemauro",
"linkedIn": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricardo-mauro/",
"blog": "https://rmauro.dev"