Scripts made to utilize the JSON interface brought to Archicad 24.
Examples made by Graphisoft can be found here.
An installed Python of 3.7 and up.
To be used with the official Python package: pip install archicad
Activate (if on Archicad 24) the Python palette in the settings: Options > Work Environment > More Options menu > Experimental Features
Get a decent editor like VSCode to edit the scripts and even run them!
Have a look on the JSON interface and Python documentation.
The official Style Guide for Python.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python
In a hurry? Learn X in Y minutes
If not stated otherwise all source code is distributed under the BOML.
For modified scripts of others the license might be unresolved.
My Archicad Attributes & Template, Archicad workspaces, Archicad objects + a playground for GDL, GDL-Sublime to write GDL in Sublime Text, and last but not least my (german) Archicad Wiki.