This application is a demo on how to setup an event driven architecture combining Dapr, Azure OpenAI and Azure Container Apps.
To run this application you need an Approved Azure OpenAI Azure subscription (Azure Open AI) an and the following tools installed:
- Docker (for local development)
- Dapr CLI (for local development)
- Azure CLI
- Azure Bicep
- .NET 7 SDK
To run the application locally with Docker compose, you need to create a .env
file in the root of the repository. This file should contain the following variables:
AZURE_OPENAI_API_MODEL="<your model here>" # e.g. gpt-35-turbo
AZURE_OPENAI_API_ENDPOINT="<your azure openai endpoint here>"
AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY="<your azure openai key here>"
AZURE_COMMUNICATION_CONNECTION_STRING="<your azure communication connection string here>"
AZURE_COMMUNICATION_FROM_ADDRESS="<your azure communication custom domain from address here>"
# for OpenTelemetry Collector (optional, needs to be enabled in the open telemetry collector config)
APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATION_KEY="<your application insights instrumentation key here>"
APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_INGESTION_ENDPOINT="<your application insights ingestion endpoint here(part of the connectionstring)>"
# for OpenTelemetry Azure Exporter (optional)
APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING="<your application insights connection string here>"
Then you can run the application with the following command:
docker compose build
docker compose up
To clean up the resources created by Docker compose, run the following command:
docker compose down
Please refer to the Hosting Infrastructure documentation for instructions on how to deploy the application to Azure.
The container images are built with the following commands. The images are stored in the Azure Container Registry. First set the environment variable for the Azure Container Registry name:
$ENV:ACR="<your acr name>" # e.g. acr<yourname>, the nameSuffix parameter from the deployment.
Then build the images with the following commands:
push-location src
push-location dinner-api
az acr build -g rg-dinner-finder -r $ENV:ACR -t dinner/api:0.1 .
push-location ai-processor
az acr build -g rg-dinner-finder -r $ENV:ACR -t dinner/ai-processor:0.1 .
push-location frontend
az acr build -g rg-dinner-finder -r $ENV:ACR -t dinner/web-frontend:0.1 .
push-location email-sender
az acr build -g rg-dinner-finder -r $ENV:ACR -t dinner/email-sender:0.1 .