- This means, we want to focus on:
- Custom_Gaming This project is about developing a single-pc game software that is able to building a nice-playing game
- Doing
- This project is focused on developing content!
- Also there are many other aspects that need to be done and are considered equally important.
- Anyone who wants to do stuff is very welcome to do so!
- 这个项目的初衷是为了将WOW模拟器中学习到的知识应用到新的领域.并且一步一步的完成独立游戏的开发制作!
- 这意味着我将专注于:
- 完全独立开发.并且注重玩家体验
- 所做的事情:
- 这个项目非常期待大家的反馈
- 此外,项目本身需要完善的地方还有很多.希望大家能一起合作开发
- 欢迎任何喜欢,或者有志与共同开发,探讨的朋友一起加入!
- Coding开源地址:https://coding.net/u/ljwlaji/p/PlayFun-FateAlpha
- GitHub开源地址:https://github.com/ljwlaji/cocos2d-x_Fate-Alpha
- [iOS] https://www.pgyer.com/PG3K
- [Get Your UDID] https://www.pgyer.com/udid
- [Android] https://www.pgyer.com/7LQd
- OverView(概述)
- Install(安装)
- Windows
- DownLoad Cocos2d-x
- Install
- Setup
- Input Project
- Mac OS
- Windows
- DataBase(数据库)
- Player-Saving(热修改)
- World-Loading(纯读取)
- Classes(类)
- Manager
- NotifyMgr(消息提示)
- QuestMgr(任务)
- SpellMgr(技能)
- DataMgr(数据)
- ScriptMgr(脚本)
- MovementMgr(移动)
- Layers
- ChoseCharacterLayer(选择角色)
- CreateCharacterLayer(创建角色)
- EnterGameLayer(进入游戏)
- LoadingUILayer(读取界面)
- MapLayer(地图)
- PlayerUILayer(玩家界面)
- PlayerUILayer
- UISprite
- VirtualRocker
- TopBar
- SpellBook
- SettingSprite
- QuestBook
- PlayerTalkLayer
- PlayerEquip
- PlayerBag
- NpcVendorSprite
- LootingSprite
- ItemDetailSprite
- DeadTalkClass
- TypingLayer(*输入)
- Unit
- Creature
- Monster
- Npc(*)
- Player
- Creature
- Manager