Create your XSL-FO documents and reports in modern JavaScript (w/types)
This library produces XML output in the XSL FO format. You then need to pass that through an FO render (e.g. Apache FOP) (Github) to generate a PDF.
In this example the .fo output from this library is fed into fop
to generate a PDF:
node ./my-report.js | fop -fo - -pdf output.pdf
More examples are available at ./packages/examples
import { renderToStream } from "@jsx-xsl-fo/core";
<root xmlns:fo="">
<simplePageMaster masterName="my_page">
<regionBody />
<pageSequence masterReference="my_page">
<flow flowName="xsl-region-body">
<block>Hello World!</block>
There are some helper components to handle basic page structure
import { renderToStream } from "@jsx-xsl-fo/core";
import { Report, PageSequence, PageContent, PageHeader, PageFooter } from 'jsx-xsl-fo/reporting';
<block>page <pageNumber /></block>
<block>Hello World</block>
You can make your own components similar to React and other JSX libraries.
// function components
function Greeting({ firstName, lastName }) {
return <block>Greetings, {firstName} {lastName}!</block>;
// class components
class GoodBye extends Component {
render() {
return <block>
So long, <inline font-weight="bold">{this.props.children}</inline>
// and build more complex documents with them
let myBlock = <block>
<Greeting firstName="Bob" lastName="Smith" />
import { renderToStream, renderToString } from "@jsx-xsl-fo/core";
// as a string (probably not good for large documents)
let aString = renderToString(<Foo />);
// to a stream.
renderToStream(<Foo />, process.stdout);
If you need to embed some other xml (e.g. SVG) use dangerouslySetInnerXML
<instream-foreign-object dangerouslySetInnerXML={{__xml: logoLarge}}>
This library works as a jsx runtime compatible with Babel's jsxImportSource
and TypeScript's jsxImportSource
"compilerOptions": {
"jsx": "react-jsx",
"jsxImportSource": "@jsx-xsl-fo/core",
/** @jsxImportSource custom-jsx-library */
const foo = <block>Hello</block>;
- Node.js 18+ (earlier may work but untested)
- pnpm
pnpm install
pnpm run -r build
# run tests
pnpm run -r test
- The main library. This gets published to NPMpackages/cli
- A CLI tool for converting older files to the current version of jxs-xsl-fopackages/examples
- Example uses of the main library