- 👋 Hi, I’m Kiyoon Kim
- 🎓️ PhD @ The University of Edinburgh, UK
- 👀 I’m interested in deep learning in computer vision, specifically Stable Diffusion and Video Action Recognition
- 💻 I make Neovim, and Tmux plugins to enhance the terminal experience.
Kiyoon Kim, Davide Moltisanti, Oisin Mac Aodha, Laura Sevilla-Lara
In BMVC 2022. arXiv
Capturing Temporal Information in a Single Frame: Channel Sampling Strategies for Action Recognition
Kiyoon Kim, Shreyank N Gowda, Oisin Mac Aodha, Laura Sevilla-Lara
In BMVC 2022. arXiv
- nvim-treesitter-textobjects (co-maintainer)
- nvim-hand-gesture: Use a webcam to unlock hand gesture control
- Treemux for Tmux: a modern file explorer as Tmux sidebar!
- Jupynium.nvim: The BEST way to use Jupyter Notebook in vim
- python-import.nvim: add import statements FAST.
- Tmuxsend.vim: send any text from Vim to other Tmux panes. Interactive development, file explorer to command line, etc.
- telescope-insert-path.nvim: Neovim's Telescope extension to insert file path on your vim current buffer
- treesitter-indent-object.nvim: Smart and context-aware indent object in neovim
- haskell-scope-highlighting.nvim: Dynamic contextual scope highlighting for Haskell.
- rust-graph: Speedy graph operations written in Rust but available as a Python package.
- tmux-appimage: Install the latest tmux on Linux without a package manager. Automatically builds with GitHub Actions CI.
- magick.nvim: Lua magick binding as a NeoVim plugin.
- py-reduce-binary: Install reduce with pip
- py-apbs-binary: Install APBS with pip
- C_python_ipc: Fast way to communicate between C and python processes
- python-project-template-2024: All good practices in python packaging in one repo.
- workflows: GitHub Actions reusable workflows and composite actions.