Integrations, utilities and alternative implementations to work with Kiota in Java.
The Kiota Maven plugin eases the usage of the Kiota CLI from Maven projects.
To use the plugin add this section to your pom.xml
... or ...
the available options, as of today, are (output of mvn help:describe -DgroupId=io.kiota -DartifactId=kiota-maven-plugin -Dversion=999-SNAPSHOT -Ddetail
Available parameters:
baseURL (Default:
Base URL to be used for the download
cleanOutput (Default: false)
Clean output before generating
clearCache (Default: false)
Clear cache before generating
clientClass (Default: ApiClient)
The class name to use for the core client class. [default: ApiClient]
deserializers (Default:
The deserializers to be used by kiota
downloadTarget (Default: ${basedir}/target/openapi-spec)
The Download target folder for CRDs downloaded from remote URLs
The openapi specification to be used for generating code
kiotaLogLevel (Default: Warning)
The log level of Kiota to use when logging messages to the main output.
[default: Warning]
kiotaTimeout (Default: 30)
Kiota timeout in seconds
kiotaVersion (Default: 0.0.0-pre+microsoft.main.f84da5a)
Version of Kiota to be used
language (Default: Java)
Language to generate the code for:
namespace (Default: com.apisdk)
The namespace to use for the core client class specified with the
--class-name option. [default: ApiSdk]
osName (Default: ${})
OS name
serializers (Default:
The serializers to be used by kiota
skip (Default: false)
User property: kiota.skip
Skip the execution of the goal
targetBinaryFolder (Default:
Required: true
Kiota executable target binary folder
targetDirectory (Default:
Location where to generate the Java code
The URL to be used to download an API spec from a remote location
useSystemKiota (Default: false)
User property: kiota.system
Use system provided kiota executable (needs to be available on the PATH)
The Quarkus extension now lives in the Quarkiverse organization:
In this project you have a few alternative implementations of the Kiota Core libraries
This is a Jackson based implementation of the Json serialization/deserialization APIs exposed by the core libraries.
To use it, add the following dependency to your project:
and make sure to remove from the classpath the default implementation
When generating the client code you need to change the defaults as well to use the provided implementations:
This is a RequestAdapter
implementation based on the Vert.X Web Client.
To use it, add the following dependency to your project:
and make sure to remove from the classpath the default implementation
You can now use it in your codebase:
var adapter = new VertXRequestAdapter(vertx);
To configure authorization we expect you to tweak the VertX.WebClient
instance before passing it to the constructor.
For example, using OIDC with Client Id and secret, your code might look like this:
OAuth2Options options =
new OAuth2Options()
.setTokenPath(keycloakUrl + "token")
OAuth2Auth oAuth2Auth = OAuth2Auth.create(vertx, options);
Oauth2Credentials oauth2Credentials = new Oauth2Credentials();
OAuth2WebClient oAuth2WebClient =
OAuth2WebClient.create(WebClient.create(vertx), oAuth2Auth)
var adapter = new VertXRequestAdapter(oAuth2WebClient);
This is a RequestAdapter
implementation based on the Java standard library Http Client.
To use it, add the dependency to your project:
and make sure to remove from the classpath the default implementation