This document provides an overview of the technologies used in a K3S managed cluster on Raspberry Pi 4, utilizing Tekton and ArgoCD for CI/CD. The cluster integrates with several components including Camunda, SurrealDB, a locally deployed container registry, Longhorn cluster storage, Traefik ingress, MetalLB, and Cert Manager.
A K3S managed cluster on Raspberry Pi 4 provides a lightweight Kubernetes environment suitable for edge computing and development.
Tekton is an open-source framework for creating CI/CD systems. It provides Kubernetes-native resources for declaring pipelines, workflows, and tasks.
ArgoCD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. It synchronizes application state from a Git repository to the Kubernetes cluster.
Integrating Camunda with the K3S cluster allows for the orchestration of business processes and workflows.
SurrealDB is a multi-model database, capable of handling document, graph, and key-value store functionalities. It is integrated into the cluster for managing application data.
A locally deployed container registry provides a private repository for container images, facilitating faster image pulls and reducing reliance on external registries.
Longhorn is a distributed block storage system for Kubernetes. It provides persistent storage for stateful applications running in the cluster.
Traefik is an ingress controller that manages external access to services in the cluster, providing load balancing, SSL termination, and other routing capabilities.
MetalLB is a load-balancer implementation for bare metal Kubernetes clusters, offering network load balancing.
Cert Manager automates the management and issuance of TLS certificates in the cluster, ensuring secure communication between services.