🔗🔗 Organica Website 🍁🍂
A website that attempts to bring forth the importance of adopting a more organic lifestyle and also provides means of making it possible by establishing direct channels between the consumers and producers of organic products. This project aims to evolve into a platform that can be very useful for the community while being completely non-proprietary and maintained by passionate individuals. Cool Parallax effects and clean UI have been used to make the site's landing page. The site is deployed on GitHub pages.
- Read The Contributing Guidelines and Code Of Conduct
Fork this Repository.
Clone the Repository:
git clone "url of this repo"
Check existing issues or raise a new issue of your own and ask it to be assigned to you.
Wait for the issue to be assigned to you.
Create a branch:
git checkout -b <your-new-branch-name>
Put your code:-
- Make all necessary changes or modifications to the code in your local cloned branch.
- Necessary information like functionalities, screenshots, and working video(if required) should be kept handy (you will need to present it when submitting the PR)
Push changes to GitHub ( on your forked repo ) :
git push origin <add-your-branch-name>
Create a new pull request to the original repo (the main branch of this repo )
Submit your changes for review.
And Boom! You're done 🥳
The maintainers will review and merge your changes into the main branch of this project. You will be automatically notified via E-mail once the changes have been merged.
Note: If you want your changes to count towards hacktoberfest, ensure that the issue you are working on has the #hacktoberfest label
Kaustav Unnati
Star Mark this repository and keep contributing as you learn!!