This jQuery plugin send an email when a javascript error is triggered. Specially useful in big web application where you want to know if users hit javascript errors.
A php mail example is given with this plugin, but it could also be easily logged in a database
Load the plugin just after the jQuery library
You can define some options.
By default the plugin automatically fetch the domain and add it to the email subject, but you can overwrite it. You can also define a from, I would highly recommend that you change the from setting in the plugin file (jquery.onerror.js) if your going to use this plugin on multiple websites.
from: "",
website: document.domain
The email received will look like this:
A javascript error has been detected on
Message: variable is not defined
Line: 21
UserAgent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0
The plugin works on Firefox 3.6+, Chrome Latest, IE7+
It does not work on Safari and Opera, but it will not break your application.