I'm a data scientist/software developer/academic researcher working on projects in remote sensing, machine learning and ocean sciences. My interest is in satellite remote sensing for Earth sciences, development of webGIS applications and machine learning classification/regression problems. I mainly code in Python and use big data cloud computing platforms (like Google Cloud Platform, Google Earth Engine) to extract useful data from publicly available satellite imagery. I also have experience as a data scientist solving regression/classification machine learning problems and Markov decision processes with reinforcement learning (Pytorch/Tensorflow).
More info about my research and projects can be found on my personal website.
- Coastsat: global shoreline mapping toolbox from publicly available satellite imagery with Google Earth Engine
- EOWater: efficient cloud computing workflow to retrieve water surface area time-series with Google Earth Engine
- Coastsat webGIS portal: interactive webGIS portal to explore large-scale coastal change data
- CoastSat.slope: beach slope estimation from satellite-derived shorelines and tide models
- SDS_Benchmark: benchmarking platform for satellite-derived shoreline algorithms