I'm Jonathan , a problem solver that genuinely likes to code snippets. Here, I get to showcase some of the projects I've been working on throughtout my freetime -exploring various technologies as I build my skills. One thing I keep in mind is that Practice makes perfect
, and so I hope you'll stick around to watch my growth.
- Web Scraper: Ruby backend Api that scraps table data off a website using Nokogiri, HTTPARTY, & ByeBug Gems {Terminal,RUBY}
- Med Dose: A backend App generated with Rails that tracks a users medicine prescriptions. {MVP, CRUD, POSTGRES, RAILS,RUBY}. (Demo)
- AnimeWatch|Demo A Fullstack App(now Serverless) created with Rails and Reactjs that adds lets users watch trailers, favorite item and interact with a dynamic backend Api (Kitsu Api) consisting of 10,000+ records in a User-friendly way. {React, Routes, Axios, Bootstrap, MVP, CRUD, POSTGRES, Rails, FaunaDB}.
🔭 I’m currently working on A Resume Builder API
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source code
📫 How to reach me jonitoadriano@gmail.com