Welcome to my Python 3.7 / Django 2.2.19 educational project. It's a social network with all the required functionality, including subscriptions. It's got 30 custom tests to check everything is working as planned.
This product features:
- SQL request optimization using Django ORM's select_related directive
- Subscriptions to other user's posts
- 30 custom tests using Django TestCase: forms, models, URLs and views, and site functionality
- Custom server errors templates
- Pagination and caching
git clone https://github.com/holohup/yatube_subscriptions_en.git && cd yatube_subscriptions_en && ./install_yatube.sh
To proceed, we need to activate our virtual environment once again if it is not active:
source venv/bin/activate && cd yatube
The tests are located in the yatube/posts/tests folder. They're implemented using the Django TestCase library. To run the tests, make sure you're in your virtual environment and enter a command:
python manage.py test
python manage.py runserver
The website will be accessible by the address The Django web server can be stopped by pressing Ctrl+C.
If you want to check out the admin panel, be sure to create a superuser before starting the server:
python manage.py createsuperuser
Then launch the server and enter your credentials at
For testing purposes and your convenience, a set of prepopulated data is available to be uploaded to the database. It also comes with an admin account tester/tester. To load the data, make sure you're in the project virtual environment in the yatube folder and execute the following command:
python manage.py loaddata ../fixtures/fixtures.json && mkdir media && mkdir media/posts/ && cp ../fixtures/*.jpg media/posts/
- This version is supplied with Django Debug Toolbar installed to check the database queries efficiency. It is turned off by setting DEBUG = False in the settings.py file.
- The project doesn't include an e-mail server. All the e-mails (needed for registration, password restoration/reset, etc) are saved as files in yatube/sent_emails folder.