I have created M²: Mouse Mover to maintains online status on Team, Skype, Discord, and any other applications that monitor the mouse movement to determine if the user is using the computer or not.
It works by moving or scrolling the mouse at a randomized time range specified by the user. To make sure the mouse input looks believable (without any repetition), the moving and scrolling action is also randomized. This will ensure the online status of the user is maintained.
- Assuming Python 3 programming environment already configured by the user; execute
pip install pynput pyqt5
to install the required dependencies. - cd the console to the current directory and execute
python mouseMover.py
This program is tested only on Windows 10, it might or might not work on Linux and Mac OS. Especially on python mouseMover.py
lines 19-22, this code snippet is used to properly display the application's icon on the Windows taskbar.