- Implemented the classifier in Python using hash tables to store the likelihoods if the features are continuous.
- Supports both Continuous and Discrete features.
- Used Laplace Smoothing to handle the unseen cases.
- Supports datasets having Multi-class.
- Confusion Matrix supporting multi-class classification have been added.
- Accuracy, Precision and Recall score metrics methods have been added.
Click Here for the main.py file.
from main import NB
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
data = pd.read_csv('./dataset/mushrooms.csv')
ind = list(data.index)
# Train:Test = 75%:25%
train_len = int(data.shape[0]*0.75)
train_ind = ind[:train_len]
training_data = data.iloc[train_ind,:]
test_ind = ind[train_len:]
testing_data = data.iloc[test_ind,:]
print('Training_data size -> {}'.format(training_data.shape))
print('Testing_data size -> {}'.format(testing_data.shape))
assert data.shape[0] == len(train_ind)+ len(test_ind), 'Not equal distribution'
classifier = NB(target='class',dataframe=training_data)
y_test = list(testing_data.iloc[:,0])
y_pred = classifier.predict(testing_data.iloc[:,1:])
print('Accuracy Score -> {} %'.format(round(genx.accuracy_score(y_test,y_pred),3)))
print('Precison Score -> {}'.format(round(genx.precision_score(y_test,y_pred),3)))
print('Recall Score -> {}'.format(round(genx.recall_score(y_test,y_pred),3)))