Task tracker is a project used to track and manage your tasks. You can use a simple command line interface (CLI) to track what you need to do, what you have done, and what you are currently working on.
This project from
npm install npm@latest -g
git clone https://github.com/garyeung/Task_Tracker.git
cd Track_Tracker
npm install
npx ts-node taskTrack.ts
1. Add a task:
add <description>
2. Update a task:
update <id> <new description>
3. Delete a task:
delete <id>
4. Mark a task as in-progress:
mark-in-progress <id>
5. Mark a task as done:
mark-done <id>
6. List all tasks or tasks by status:
list [status]
7. Exit the application:
task-ctl add "Finish the project"
task-ctl list
task-ctl update 1 "Finish the project with tests"
task-ctl mark-in-progress 1
task-ctl mark-done 1
task-ctl delete 1
- typescript: For TypeScript support.
- fs-extra: For file system operations.
- @types/node: Type definitions for Node.js.