OpenSeeFace Public
Robust realtime face and facial landmark tracking on CPU with Unity integration
VSeeFaceSDK Public
The VSeeFace SDK for Unity is used to export models in the VSFAvatar format.
libdshowcapture Public
Forked from obsproject/libdshowcaptureFree and Open Source C++11 Library for capturing DirectShow video/audio devices on windows.
VSeeFaceReleases Public
This is a release repository used for posting releases of VSeeFace
MotionReplay Public
A debugging tool for VMC protocol
BVHTools Public
BVH Tools for Unity
AlphaDilate Public archive
AlphaDilate allows you to avoid color seams around objects with transparent background when using the alpha capture functionality of OBS's Game Capture
obs-spout2-plugin Public
Forked from Off-World-Live/obs-spout2-pluginA Plugin for OBS Studio to enable Spout2 (https://github.com/leadedge/Spout2) input / output
OpenSeeFaceSample Public
This is a cross-platform sample Unity project showing a basic OpenSeeFace setup. Open the included scene.
DokoDemoPainter Public
DokoDemoPainter is a fast and easy texture painting solution for Unity and can paint on both regular and skinned meshes
uOSC Public
Forked from hecomi/uOSCOSC server / client implementation for Unity
MToon Public
Forked from Santarh/MToonToon Shader with Unity Global Illumination
WindForVRM Public
Forked from malaybaku/WindForVRMSample repository to introduce wind effect for VRM.
pytorch-iris Public
Forked from yangzhangalmo/pytorch-irisA simple implementation of IRIS dataset classification with Pytorch