Encryption software that emulates the german enigma machine.
from pygma.rotor import Rotor
r1 = Rotor("asdfghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiop", 9)
r2 = Rotor("qawsedrftgyhujikolpzxcvbnm", 24)
r3 = Rotor("zxcvbnmasdfghjklqwertyuiop", 2)The Rotor function sets the rotor and it requires 2 arguments, the first the alphabet that will correspond to the rotor, and the second the rotor starting point.
from pygma.reflector import Reflector
reflector = Reflector("adsfgjhklzcxvbmnqewrtuyiop", 12)The Reflector function sets the reflector and similarly to the Rotor function it requires 2 arguments, the first the alphabet that will correspond to the reflector, and the second the reflector starting point.
Plug Board
from pygma.plugboard import PlugBoard
pb = PlugBoard("as,de,fr")The PlugBoard function sets the exchange between two letters it requires 1 arguments that corresponds to the groups of letters to be exchanged.
PlugBoard("as,de,fr") means that letter a must be exchanged with s and vice versa, as well as for d and e letters, and for f and r letters.
Set Encrypter and Decrypter
from pygma.machine import Machine
e = Machine([r1, r2, r3], reflector, pb)The Machine function sets the machine with the declared elements.
Encrypt and decrypt
'hello!'The enc_dec function encrypts and decrypts given words with the configuration previously set.