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Caddy Permission Plugin

This plugin allows the user to provide generic authentication and authorization based on HTTP methods. It's main use case is to add (SSO) authentication and authorization to unsupported web services.


The Permission plugin works by filtering HTTP methods and request paths. The most common methods are included in the shortcuts readonly ro, read/write rw, websockets ws, any and none:

  • any: any (may not be combined)
  • none: none (may not be combined)

If you want to specify your methods yourself, be sure to not have any spaces between them: GET,HEAD,.... If you prepend the list of methods with ~, you can invert their meaning, effectively turning the whitelist into a blacklist. The Permission plugin works on a prefix basis. Every path provided matches the exact path and every path that starts with the provided path. Be very careful with using the none option, the rules are already in a whitelist mode, you will not use this often. Please refer to the Combining Backends chapter to learn in which order rules are evaluated.

Important Note: The Permission plugin is only secure if you can verify if the application you want to protect is compatible, meaning that it must conform to these standard HTTP methods to interact with the web service. Also, it can only deny websocket connections, but cannot filter within them. You should always treat websocket connections as a full write access action.

Special Handling

The HTTP Methods MOVE, COPY and PATCH are handled a bit more special:

  • MOVE: source path is treated as DELETE and destination path as PUT
  • COPY: source path is treated as GET and destination path as PUT
  • PATCH:
    • If a the Destination Header is present:
      • If Action Header is copy: source path is treated as GET and destination path as PUT
      • If Action Header is not copy: source path is treated as DELETE and destination path as PUT
    • If no Destination Header is present: treat as PATCH


The different backends may be combined - They are handled in order of declaration in the Caddyfile.

Check out the test directory and play around with the different backends to get a feel for it.

Currently, three different backends are supported:

  • HTTP BasicAuth (authentation & authorization)
  • TLS client authentication (authentation only)
  • API (authentation & authorization)

HTTP Basic Auth

permission basic {
  user greg qwerty1 # This is greg, his password is qwerty1
  rw /tmp/ # he may read and write to /tmp/!

  user george # This is george, he does not have a password, another backend will have to authenticate him
  rw /admin/

  default # applies to all logged-in users
  rw /api/users/0 #

  public # applies to everyone, also anonymous users
  none /internal/ # deny internal space for everyone
  ro / # allow reading everything

  GET,HEAD /other

TLS Auth

This plugin requires TLS client authentication. It simply sets the CN to the username. You can use the HTTP Basic Auth and/or API Auth plugins for handling permissions.

permission tls

API Auth

This is a custom API, that you can implement in your existing system - it's extremely simple. Here is how you would configure it within caddy:

permission api {
  name MyWebsite # name of website
  user http://localhost:8080/caddyapi # main authentication api
  permit http://localhost:8080/caddyapi/{{username}} # refetch a permit of a user
  login http://localhost:8080/login?next={{resource}} # redirect here for logging in (resource is original URL)
  add_prefix /api/resource /files # add prefixes to returned paths
  add_without_prefix # if add_prefix is used, but you still want to also add the original paths
  cache 600 # how to long to cache authenticated users
  cleanup 3600 # when to clean out authenticated users

user Endpoint:

The Permission plugin creates a request user authentication at the configured URL with:

  • The original Host Header.
  • The originating IP in the X-Real-IP Header.
  • The originating IP in the X-Forwarded-For Header.
  • The original protocol (http or https) in the X-Forwarded-For Header.
  • The original BasicAuth credentials, if present.
  • All cookies.

It expects a JSON Object in return with the following fields:

  "BasicAuth":   false,
  "Cookie":      "cookieName=cookieValue",
  "Username":    "username",
  "Permissions": {}

BasicAuth or Cookie are used to declare how to identify this user in the future. Either set BasicAuth to true, or set Cookie to the authenticating cookie.


  "BasicAuth":   false,
  "Cookie":      "PHPSESSID=12345",
  "Username":    "tom",
  "Permissions": {
    "/tmp/": "rw",
    "/static": "ro",
    "/other": "GET,HEAD"

permit Endpoint:

Works very similar to the user endpoint, but instead of forwarding all these headers and cookies, the username is replaced in the URL.

login Endpoint:

If current permissions are insufficient to complete a request and the user is not yet authenticated, she is redirected to this URL.

Combining Backends

Rules within a ruleset (user, default, public) are evaulated in the order they are configured. When combining different backends, the backend defined earlier is always asked first. This is handled as follows:

  • Try to authenticate the user with every backend, stop if successful.
  • If authenticated:
    • Check the user's permissions and default permissions for every backend, stop if a match is found.
  • Check the public permit for every backend, stop if allowed.
  • Let the first backend to support login handle login.

So, for example, with the API and Basic backend the order will be:

  • API user ruleset
  • API default ruleset
  • Basic user ruleset
  • Basic default ruleset
  • API public ruleset
  • Basic public ruleset

Other Options

There are also a couple other options regardless of backend:

permission realm "Restricted Site" # sets name
permission allow_reading_parent_paths # applies read rights to parent paths
set_basicauth username password # set basic auth on forwarded request
set_cookie name value # set cookie on forwarded request, may be used multiple times

Cmdline options

  • -debug-permission enables debug and error messages (to stdout)
  • -error-permission enables error messages (to stdout)

These will give you messages like this:

[permission] failed to get user from api:MyWebsite: Get http://localhost:8080/caddyapi: dial tcp connect: connection refused
[permission] failed to get user permit from api:MyWebsite: Get http://localhost:8080/caddyapi/greg: dial tcp connect: connection refused
[permission] [tls: greg] basic granted access: GET /tmp/


Authentication and authorization middleware for Caddy







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