A simple pipeline to copy data from a database (MySQL) to another database (Postgres).
- Building Docker Image -
docker build -t data-copier-live .
- Running Application using Docker with entrypoint.
docker run --name data-copier \
-v `pwd`:/app \
-it \
-e SOURCE_DB_USER=retail_user \
-e SOURCE_DB_PASS=itversity \
-e TARGET_DB_USER=retail_user \
-e TARGET_DB_PASS=itversity \
--entrypoint python \
data-copier-live app.py dev departments
Let us setup AirFlow and develop the pipeline for Data Pipeline.
Let us understand how to setup AirFlow for development using sqlite.
- AirFlow is Python based Library and hence we can install using
. - Let us create virtual environment for AirFlow and then setup AirFlow.
- Create directory by name airflow -
mkdir airflow
. Get into the directory by runningcd airflow
. - Here is the command to create virtual environment -
python -m venv airflow-env
. - Activate the virtual environment -
source airflow-env/bin/activate
- Install AirFlow -
pip install apache-airflow
. - Run
airflow initdb
to intialize the database and add configuration files. All the databases and configuration files will be created in our working directory airflow. - By default it uses sqlite database.
- Run following commands to start airflow webserver and scheduler.
airflow webserver -p 8080 -D
airflow scheduler -D
- Then you can go to http://ipaddress:8080
Here are some of the disadvantages.
- Scalability
- Useful for development and evaluate AirFlow Features
In Non Development environments we have to setup AirFlow using traditional RDBMS Databases. Let us understand how we can configure AirFlow with MySQL Database and also using LocalScheduler.
- Make sure to stop all the airflow processes.
cat airflow-scheduler.pid | xargs kill
cat airflow-webserver.pid|xargs kill
ps -ef|grep airflow # if you find any outstanding processes kill using kill command
- Install mysql-connector-python so that we can use MySQL Database -
pip install mysql-connector-python
. - Make sure MySQL database is setup.
docker run \
--name mysql_airflow \
-e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=itversity \
-d \
-p 4306:3306 \
- Connect to MySQL and create database as well as username for airflow database -
docker exec -it mysql_airflow mysql -u root -p
CREATE USER airflow IDENTIFIED BY 'itversity';
GRANT ALL ON airflow.* TO airflow;
- Set executor to LocalExecutor.
executor = SequentialExecutor
- We can also use other Executors.
- Update sql_alchemy_conn with MySQL URL.
sql_alchemy_conn = mysql+mysqlconnector://airflow:itversity@localhost:4306/airflow?use_pure=True
- Make sure some of the properties related to concurrency is adjusted to lower numbers.
parallelism = 8
dag_concurrency = 4
max_active_runs_per_dag = 4
workers = 4
worker_concurrency = 4
worker_autoscale = 4,2
- Run
airflow initdb
to initialize MySQL Database. - Start webserver and scheduler in the background.
airflow webserver -p 8080 -D
airflow scheduler -D
- Then you can go to http://ipaddress:8080
We can switch over to CeleryExecutor by following these steps.
- Install Celery using
pip install apache-airflow['celery']
- Change executor to CeleryExecutor
executor = CeleryExecutor
- Kill all the webserver and scheduler processes.
ps -ef|grep scheduler|awk -F" " '{ print $2 }'|xargs kill -9
cat *pid|xargs kill -9
rm *pid
ps -ef|grep airflow #Kill any remaining sessions
- Start the airflow components and validate by visiting the URL.
airflow webserver -p 8080 -D
airflow scheduler -D
By this time we should be ready with our application as well as AirFlow. Let us understand how we can integrate both.
- As we are going to run our applicatio using Docker Container, we will use DockerOperator provided by AirFlow.
- Add Docker to AirFlow -
pip install apache-airflow['docker']