Selene Public
Automation low level tool based on MQTT data. Optionnal backends to create "DRM/Cairo", "OLed", "LCD" or "Curses" graphical applications.
HomeDashboard Public
My very own Dashboard ... aims to suite my own needs, and serve as example.
Majordome Public
Events based automation tool based on timers and MQTT messages arrival. The application is a galaxy of small Lua tasks.
TeleInfod Public
TeleInfod is a daemon that publishes electricity smart meters “TéléInformation” data to a MQTT Broker. (TéléInformation are at least generated by French's EDF smart counters)
GPMFMetersGenerator Public
Generate skickers from GoPro's GPMF telemetries
Marcel Public
Very lightweight daemon to publish figures to a MQTT broker (1wire data as temperatures, ISP real time consumption, UPS figures, meteo forecast, ...), check subscribted topics and alerts if out of …
Mer-de-Glace Public
Simple and lightweight archiving integrity solution
Toile Public
Framework to create interactive dashboard using DirectFB or DRM/Cairo and Séléné
Amiga_OldCCode Public
Some of my very own Amiga C and C++ codes
LFMakeMaker Public
Automatically create a Makefile based on your C(++) source code
C Other UpdatedMay 7, 2022 -
Poulailler Public
My own chicken coop automation
DomoWatch Public
Lilygo smart watch used to controle my domotique
emToile Public
Lvgl based framework to build GUI on embedded systems
TTGO_TWatch_Library Public
Forked from Xinyuan-LilyGO/TTGO_TWatch_LibraryC MIT License UpdatedMay 1, 2021 -
arduino-esp32 Public
Forked from espressif/arduino-esp32Arduino core for the ESP32
C GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedOct 4, 2020 -
Binary-Tarball Public
Home made Gentoo/Linux images for Klipad hc-913 (mid_a13)
ArduiPi_OLED Public
Forked from jonesman/ArduiPi_OLEDCommon used I2C only OLED driver for Linux
fbtest Public
Forked from jumpnow/fbtestSimple test program for display driver development
C UpdatedNov 11, 2019 -
pubsubclient Public
Forked from knolleary/pubsubclientA client library for the Arduino Ethernet Shield that provides support for MQTT.
C++ MIT License UpdatedMay 11, 2019 -
OWBus Public
Maxim's One Wire bus handling for arduino