Note: This repository is part of Dazzle Project - the next-gen library for PHP. The project's purpose is to provide PHP developers with a set of complete tools to build functional async applications. Please, make sure you read the attached README carefully and it is guaranteed you will be surprised how easy to use and powerful it is. In the meantime, you might want to check out the rest of our async libraries in Dazzle repository for the full extent of Dazzle experience.
Dazzle Skeleton features:
This section contains Dazzle vs React comparison many users requested. If you are wondering why this section has been created, see the author's note.
Dazzle Skeleton requires:
- PHP-5.6 or PHP-7.0+,
- UNIX or Windows OS.
To install this library make sure you have composer installed, then run following command:
$> composer require dazzle-php/skeleton
Tests can be run via:
$> vendor/bin/phpunit -d memory_limit=1024M
Versioning of Dazzle libraries is being shared between all packages included in Dazzle Project. That means the releases are being made concurrently for all of them. On one hand this might lead to "empty" releases for some packages at times, but don't worry. In the end it is far much easier for contributors to maintain and -- what's the most important -- much more straight-forward for users to understand the compatibility and inter-operability of the packages.
Thank you for considering contributing to this repository!
- The contribution guide can be found in the contribution tips.
- Open tickets can be found in issues section.
- Current contributors are listed in graphs section
- To contact the author(s) see the information attached in composer.json file.
Dazzle Skeleton is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.
"Everything is possible. The impossible just takes longer." ― Dan Brown