Datalogger for SBC machines like BeagleBone, RaspberryPi or similar.
- BME280
- BMP180
- DHT11
- DS18B20
- SDS011
- HX711
git clone cd PyDatalogger virtualenv --python=python3 .venv3 source .venv3/bin/activate python develop
$ pydatalogger --help Usage: pydatalogger info pydatalogger readings [--config=<config>] [--target=<target>]... [--dry-run] [--debug] pydatalogger --version pydatalogger (-h | --help) Options: --config=<config> Configuration file for runtime settings --target=<target> Data output target --version Show version information --dry-run Skip publishing to MQTT bus --debug Enable debug messages -h --help Show this screen Examples: # Display readings in JSON format pydatalogger readings # Publish readings to MQTT broker on localhost pydatalogger readings --target=mqtt://localhost/testdrive # Publish readings to MQTT broker on remote host pydatalogger readings --target=mqtt://
- RPi-Beelogger by Markus Hies, see Beelogger Version 2
- Hiverize-Sensorbeuten by Hiverize
- luftdaten-python for sensor network
- BERadio by Hiveeyes
- Terkin is a flexible data logger application for MicroPython and CPython environments. It provides a lot of sensor-, networking- and telemetry- connectivity options.