You can download appication here
- After downloaded file zip, let's extract that file
- Run SimpleSubjectManager.exe
- If a message appear with content : "This application requires a Java Runtime Environment", let's download download the JRE version by following the website link the app redirects to (My application run in JRE version 1.8.0_351)
- If a window appear with title "Windows protected your PC", let's click "More info", then click "Run anyway"
The data of accounts only saved in your computer (offline)
You need choose subjects which you must study in your school, and enough the number credits of each knowledge part
- Have some optional for you with a plan: show list subject, update score of subjects, update status of subjects, the map relative between subjects, calculate the last term score, check able time table, calculate CPA, ...
- You can rename, copy or remove the existing plan