A minimal multi sig wallet app built with scaffold eth in solidity and react with typescript.
Ported from JS version
Live on Rinkeby 🤩
Screenshots below taken from the JS Demo. This one is just as pretty, promise.
Still a Proof of Concept, not ready for production.
As a user I can create multisig vaults.
Each vault has
- a set of owners
- a requirement for minimum confirmations
I can see an overview of vaults where I am the creator or a co-owner
I can copy shareable links for any of my vaults.
A vault can execute transactions with given
- ether amount
- execution calldata
I can enter a detailed view of a vault, and there
- create multisig transactions
- approve (confirm) existing transactions
- execute sufficiently approved transactions
As a user I can also view existing vaults, without the right to interact with them (may be interesting for DAO treasuries' transparency).
Feel free to fork an build on top!
For questions DM me on Twitter @dvinubius
This is based on the typescript repo of scaffold.eth. The directories that you'll use are:
Prerequisites: Node plus Yarn and Git
install your dependencies:
yarn install
in a second terminal window, start a hardhat node:
yarn chain
in a third terminal window, 🛰 deploy your contract and start the app:
# build hardhat & external contracts types
yarn contracts:build
# deploy your hardhat contracts
yarn deploy
# start vite
yarn start
🌍 You need an RPC key for production deployments/Apps, create an Alchemy account and replace the value of ALCHEMY_KEY = xxx
in packages/react-app/src/constants.js
🔏 Edit your smart contracts MSFactory.sol
, MultiSigVault.sol
in packages/hardhat/contracts
📝 Edit your frontend MainPage.tsx
in packages/react-app/src
💼 Edit your deployment scripts in packages/hardhat/deploy
📱 Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app
Documentation, tutorials, challenges, and many more resources, visit: docs.scaffoldeth.io
Join the telegram support chat 💬 to ask questions and find others building with 🏗 scaffold-eth!
🙏 Please check out our Gitcoin grant too!