RFC 3492: IDNA Punycode implementation. It deals with full DNS domain names and their individual labels, and as such can be used for encoding/decoding these, but it does not expose a generic Bootstring or Punycode implementation.
Domain name / label validation is provided by
Hannes Mehnert's
String handling and Unicode support comes courtesy of
David Bünzli's
Please report any issues or requests for additional features on the issue tracker.
(** {1 Error messages} *)
type illegal_ascii_label =
| Illegal_label_size of string
| Label_contains_illegal_character of string
| Label_starts_with_illegal_character of char
| Label_ends_with_hyphen of string
type punycode_decode_error =
| Overflow_error
| Invalid_domain_name of string
| Illegal_label of illegal_ascii_label
type punycode_encode_error =
| Malformed_utf8_input of string
| Overflow
| Invalid_domain_name of string
| Illegal_label of illegal_ascii_label
val msg_of_encode_error : punycode_encode_error -> [> `Msg of string]
(** [msg_of_encode_error err] is [err] transcribed to a [Rresult.R.msg],
making it easier to display the error and use it with the Rresult monad.
Can be used like this:
[R.reword_error msg_of_encode_error (Punycode.to_ascii "example.com")]
val msg_of_decode_error : punycode_decode_error -> [> `Msg of string]
(** [msg_of_decode_error err] is [err] transcribed to a [Rresult.R.msg],
making it easier to display the error and use it with the Rresult monad.
Can be used like this:
[R.reword_error msg_of_decode_error (Punycode.to_utf8 "example.com")]
(** {1:unicode2punycode Unicode -> Punycode}*)
val to_encoded_domain_name : string ->
(Domain_name.t, punycode_encode_error) Rresult.result
(** [to_encoded_domain_name domain_name] is the ASCII-only Punycode
representation of [domain_name] with each label prefixed by ["xn--"],
and where [domain_name] is a UTF-8-encoded DNS domain name (or label).
An error is returned if the input is not valid UTF-8, or if the resulting
encoded string would be an invalid domain name, for example if:
- a non-Punycode label starts with a hyphen
- a label is >= 64 ASCII characters or has a zero length
- the total length is >= 255 ASCII characters including trailing ['.']
(if not present it will be assumed).
See {Domain_name.of_strings} for more information regarding the
produced value and its validation.
val to_ascii : string -> (string, punycode_encode_error) Rresult.result
(** [to_ascii domain_name] is the ASCII-only Punycode
representation of [domain_name] with each label prefixed by ["xn--"],
joined by ['.']
See {!to_encoded_domain_name} for more information.
(** {1:punycode2unicode Punycode -> Unicode} *)
val of_domain_name : Domain_name.t ->
(Uchar.t list list, punycode_decode_error) Rresult.result
(** [of_domain_name domain] is [domain] decoded to a list of [Uchar.t] elements
for each label in the domain name with each label prefixed by ["xn--"]
decoded using the Punycode algorithm.*)
val to_utf8_list : string -> (string list, punycode_decode_error) Rresult.result
(** [to_utf8_list domain] is the UTF-8 representation of [domain]
where each label prefixed by ["xn--"] is decoded using the
Punycode algorithm.
The implementation strives to only accept valid domain names,
see {!to_ascii}.
If [domain] is a FQDN (has a trailing ['.']), this is ignored.
val to_utf8 : string -> (string, punycode_decode_error) Rresult.result
(** [to_utf8 domain] is {!to_utf8_list} concatenated with dots.
Contrary to {!to_utf8_list}, If [domain] is a FQDN (has a trailing ['.']),
the decoded string will also have a trailing ['.'].
utop # Punycode.to_ascii "☫.example.ir";;
- : (string, Punycode.punycode_encode_error) result = Ok "xn--s4h.example.ir"
utop # Punycode.to_utf8 "xn--s4h.example.ir";;
- : (string, Punycode.punycode_decode_error) result =
Result.Ok "☫.example.ir"
utop # Punycode.to_ascii "n☢clear.disarmament.☮.example.com";;
- : (string, Punycode.punycode_encode_error) result =
Ok "xn--nclear-3b9c.disarmament.xn--v4h.example.com"
utop # Punycode.to_utf8 "xn--nclear-3b9c.disarmament.xn--v4h.example.com";;
- : (string, Punycode.punycode_decode_error) result =
Result.Ok "n☢clear.disarmament.☮.example.com"
This project organizes its tests using Alcotest, and this dune alias runs them:
dune runtest --force --no-buffer
Using --no-buffer
gets you colors in output.