MCP2200 is the Microchip USB-Serial transceiver. Datasheet
The USB link is also used to configure the device, and, as a bonus, to easily manage some GPIO and EEPROM on the device.
When connected to a computer, it creates 2 new USB devices
- A USB CDC that's the actual virtual serial port any tool will use to communicate.
- A USB HID, that can be used to personalize and configure the chip.
The MCP2200 is delivered along with a user interface that helps easily configuring it. BUT... it's pure Windows !!
Thanksfully, Microchip delivers this document as well : The fully documented HID protocol
This project implements the microchip specifications at 3 levels :
- The graphical configuration tool
- The USB HID specification
- The API as described in the component's datasheet
git clone
cd mcp2200
pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup install
from cdtx.mcp2200.device import MCP2200Device
dev = mcp2200Device(autoConnect=True)
sys.exit('Cannot connect the device')
# Set GPIO 0 as output and set it
config = dev.read_all()
# Reset bit0 of IO_bmap
config['IO_bmap'] &= 0xFE
dev.set_clear_outputs(Set_bmap=0x01, Clear_bmap=0x00)
from cdtx.mcp2200.api import SimpleIOClass
# Init class and connect device
dev = SimpleIOClass()
dev.InitMCP2200(0x04d8, 0x00df)
assert dev.GetNoOfDevices() == 1
# Set GPIO 0 as output and set it
assert dev.IsConnected() == True
# Set all pins as outputs
assert dev.ReadPinValue(0) == 1
1. Quick and dirty solution is to install and run as root
2. Prefer allowing current user to manage USB devices
Add the following rule to file /etc/udev/rules.d/50-myrules.rules (create if necessary)
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04d8", ATTRS{idProduct}=="00df", GROUP:="plugdev", MODE="0660"
The current user must belong to the __plugdev__ group
sudo usermode -a -G plugdev ${USER}