Welcome to AlCine REST API!
- Supported languages: en, es (Other languages not tested). Spanish by default.
- The date param works this way:
- 0 Today. (Default)
- 1 Tomorrow.
- 2 The day after tomorrow.
/theatres?location=Madrid&lang=es - Returns the list of theatres by location (madrid by default).
/theatres/{tid}?lang=es - Returns the geographic data of a theatre using nominatim, if available, of one tid = theatre_id.
/theatres/{tid}/films?lang=es&date=0 - Returns the film list of one of one tid = theatre_id.
/theatres/{tid}/films/{fid}?lang=es&date=0 - Returns the showtimes of one tid = theatre_id and one fid = film_id.
/films?location=Madrid&lang=es&date=0 - Returns the film list of one location.
/films/{fid}?lang=es - Returns the movie metadata from tmdb.
/films/{fid}/theatres?location=Madrid&lang=es&date=0 - Returns the theatres list of one fid = film_id.
/films/{fid}/theatres/{tid}?lang=es&date=0 - Returns the showtimes of one tid = theatre_id and one fid = film_id.
Maven Usage:
- Install & Clean: mvn clean install.
- Generate Eclipse Struct & Dependencies: mvn eclipse:eclipse.
- Run: mvn spring-boot:run.
- Access: localhost:8080
- In order to use the 3rd party services you need to use your own API Keys.