Based on the examples of Mika Tuupola ( and the jquery-filedrop plugin by Weixi Yen (
NOT an in-place replacement for jquery.filedrop.js
Fixes multiple bad practices
Adds event for when File is added to queue
Still uses HTML5 FileReader() to read file data
Improved code documentation
Data attached to a File tended to get lost with jquery.filedrop when several files are were queued
File size limit in bytes
Added onFileQueued event
Added onQueueCompleted event
Custom meta data is supplied per file
File size limit should be provided in bytes
No speed calculation
Response not parsed for JSON automatically anymore. If you expect JSON as response you have to run jQuery.parseJSON() in your onFileSucceeded callback
I can only guess, but tested and works with
Google Chrome 17.0.963.46 m
Mozilla Firefox 10.0.1
See Example.html