This charm is used to provide X.509 certificates in environments where certificates are obtained through a manual process.
Deploy the charm and integrate it to a certificate requirer:
juju deploy manual-tls-certificates --channel beta
juju integrate manual-tls-certificates <TLS Certificates Requirer>
The following Juju actions make it possible for the user to manually provide certificates to units of the requirer charm. If the optional parameter relation-id is provided then only the information of the specified relation is returned.
The following action will return all certificate requests that don't have certificates already provided, along with further information (relation-id, application_name and unit_name)
NOTE: If you happen to scale manual-tls-certificates
, you must run actions on the leader unit. However, there is currently no benefit to scaling this charm.
juju run manual-tls-certificates/leader get-outstanding-certificate-requests relation-id=<id>
The second action allows the user to provide the certificates and specify the csr.
juju run manual-tls-certificates/leader provide-certificate \
relation-id=<id> \
certificate="$(base64 -w0 certificate.pem)" \
ca-chain="$(base64 -w0 ca-chain.pem)" \
ca-certificate="$(base64 -w0 ca-certificate.pem)" \
certificate-signing-request="$(base64 -w0 csr.pem)" \
This charm provides certificates using the tls-certificates